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Total Java Scripts 99

') if (stopbutton == "yes") { document.writeln('
'); } document.writeln('

') var l=text.length; var ll=message.length; var lb=new array(l) var lr=new array(spc*2+1) var lg=new array(ll) var lk=new array(ll) lb[0]=text;lb[l]=text;lr[0]=message;lg[0]=message; for (j=1;j=spc+1;i--) { lr[i]=" "+lr[i+1] } var ll=message.length; for (j=1;j=0;i--) { lg[j]=lg[j-1].charAt(i)+lg[j]; } } lk[ll]=message; for (j=ll-1;j>=0;j--) { lk[j]=lk[j+1].substring(1, l); } var lge=""; var lbe=""; var rle=""; for (i=0;ill) { j=0; i=i-2; } if(i==0&&j==0) { c++; j=1; } if(j!=0) { document.F.display.value=lg[i]+unescape('%0D%0A')+document.F.display.value; i++; } if(j==0) { document.F.display.value=lg[i]+unescape('%0D%0A')+document.F.display.value; i--; } if(c<=times) { setTimeout("lgf()",speedisplay); } else { document.F.display.value=lge; i=0; j=0; c=0; t(); } } } function t() { if(stop==false) { if(i>l) {i=1}; document.F.display.value=lb[i]+unescape('%0D%0A')+document.F.display.value; i++; j++; if(j<=l*times) { setTimeout("t()",speedisplay)}else{document.F.display.value=lbe; i=0; j=0; rl(); } } } function rl() { if (stop==false) { if(i>=spc*2) {i=0}; document.F.display.value=lr[i]+unescape('%0D%0A')+document.F.display.value; i++; j++; if(jspc||rows>ll) { alert("ERROR!\nrows can NOT be more that spaces or message length!!!!") } if (spc+ll>cols) { alert("ERROR!\ncols(coloums) can NOT be less that the message length + spacing length") } if (rows<=spc&&rows<=ll&&spc+ll<=cols) { lgf(); } // End --> </script>

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